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Open source community chat platform

GitHub Repo


generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["fullTextSearch", "interactiveTransactions", "extendedIndexes"]

datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")

model messages {
id String @id @default(uuid())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
body String
sentAt DateTime

channel channels @relation(fields: [channelId], references: [id])
channelId String
externalMessageId String?

threads threads? @relation(fields: [threadId], references: [id])

threadId String?

mentions mentions[]
attachments messageAttachments[]
reactions messageReactions[]
author users? @relation(fields: [usersId], references: [id])
usersId String?
textsearchable_index_col Unsupported("tsvector")?
blocks Json?
messageFormat MessageFormat?

@@unique([channelId, externalMessageId])
@@index([textsearchable_index_col], type: Gin)

enum MessageFormat {

model threads {
id String @id @default(uuid())
incrementId Int @default(autoincrement())
channel channels @relation(fields: [channelId], references: [id])
externalThreadId String?
viewCount Int @default(0)
slug String?
messageCount Int @default(1)
sentAt BigInt
hidden Boolean @default(false)
title String?
state ThreadState @default(OPEN)
pinned Boolean @default(false)
messages messages[]
channelId String
lastReplyAt BigInt?

@@index([channelId, sentAt])
@@index([channelId, sentAt, hidden])
@@index([channelId, hidden, state, lastReplyAt])

enum ThreadState {

model channels {
id String @id @default(uuid())
channelName String
messages messages[]
externalChannelId String?

threads threads[]
//We should make channel required for channel
account accounts? @relation(fields: [accountId], references: [id])
accountId String?
hidden Boolean @default(false)
default Boolean @default(false)
externalPageCursor String?
memberships memberships[]


model accounts {
id String @id @default(uuid())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
type AccountType @default(PUBLIC)
name String?
slackDomain String?
discordDomain String?
discordServerId String?
channels channels[]
slackTeamId String?
communityInviteUrl String?
redirectDomain String?
communityUrl String?
syncStatus String @default("NOT_STARTED")
brandColor String?
homeUrl String?
docsUrl String?
logoUrl String?
premium Boolean @default(false)
googleAnalyticsId String?
googleSiteVerification String?
anonymizeUsers Boolean @default(false)

auths auths[]
users users[]
slackAuthorizations slackAuthorizations[]
discordAuthorizations discordAuthorizations[]
invites invites[]
chat ChatType @default(MANAGERS)
integration AccountIntegration @default(NONE)


enum AccountType {

enum AccountIntegration {

enum ChatType {

model auths {
id String @id @default(uuid())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
email String
emailVerified DateTime?
password String
salt String
token String?

account accounts? @relation(fields: [accountId], references: [id])
accountId String?
users users[]
session session[]


model memberships {
user users @relation(fields: [usersId], references: [id])
channel channels @relation(fields: [channelsId], references: [id])

usersId String
channelsId String

@@unique([usersId, channelsId])

model users {
id String @id @default(uuid())
messages messages[]
externalUserId String?
displayName String?
profileImageUrl String?
isBot Boolean
isAdmin Boolean
mentions mentions[]
anonymousAlias String?

account accounts @relation(fields: [accountsId], references: [id])
accountsId String

auth auths? @relation(fields: [authsId], references: [id])
authsId String?
memberships memberships[]
invites invites[]
role Roles @default(MEMBER)

@@unique([externalUserId, accountsId])

enum Roles {

model mentions {
messages messages? @relation(fields: [messagesId], references: [id])
messagesId String
users users? @relation(fields: [usersId], references: [id])
usersId String

@@id([messagesId, usersId])

model messageAttachments {
id String? @default(uuid())
messages messages? @relation(fields: [messagesId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
messagesId String
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
//We need to change this to generate it's own id
externalId String
name String
sourceUrl String
title String?
mimetype String?
internalUrl String?
permalink String?

@@id([messagesId, externalId])

model messageReactions {
messages messages? @relation(fields: [messagesId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
//We need to generate our own id here
messagesId String
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
name String
count Int?
users Json?

@@id([messagesId, name])

model slackAuthorizations {
id String @id @default(uuid())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
accessToken String
botUserId String
scope String
userScope String?
authedUserId String?
userAccessToken String?

account accounts? @relation(fields: [accountsId], references: [id])
accountsId String?

model discordAuthorizations {
id String @id @default(uuid())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
accessToken String
scope String
refreshToken String
expiresAt DateTime

account accounts? @relation(fields: [accountsId], references: [id])

accountsId String?

model verificationToken {
identifier String
token String @unique
expires DateTime

@@unique([identifier, token])

model session {
id String @id @default(cuid())
sessionToken String @unique
userId String
expires DateTime
user auths @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)

model invites {
id String @id @default(uuid())
email String
accountsId String
status String @default("PENDING")
accounts accounts? @relation(fields: [accountsId], references: [id])

createdById String
createdBy users? @relation(fields: [createdById], references: [id])

createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
role Roles @default(MEMBER)

@@unique([email, accountsId])